Friday, May 1, 2009

Hot Flashes & shaving

Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield, my heart trusts in him and I am helped.

I am having hot flashes!!! I had a hysterectomy last summer so was put on estrogen. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I was taken off the estrogen right away. Well, I remember that I had taken some over-the-counter herbal stuff from Walmart to help with hot flashes before I had the hysterectomy so decided that I would do that again. But I didn't read what was in the herbal med--called Estroblend. Well, the dr. I saw yesterday told me that it probably had something in it that had similar properties as estrogen (sure enough--it has soy) so he told me I need to get off of it. Now, what am I going to do., lol.....guess I will just live with these hot flashes. I was having mild ones anyway so we'll see what happens. My kids think it's funny when I am cold then suddenly I yank the blankets off because I'm burning up!!!!
The other day I wrote saying that I couldn't shave under my left arm due to numbness. Well, since I had to see the dr. yesterday, I made myself finally shave anyway---are you happy now, Michelle? :) It wasn't too hard after all. Just feels weird.
My daughter came home last night real sad. I asked her what was troubling her. She's in a play right now in her college ( in fact, we are about to go watch her in an hour) and it turns out that another actress had lost her mom this past Christmas to breast cancer. The girl was crying since this was the first play her mom hasn't been to. Sarah wept with her and tried to comfort her and I guess it scared her. She asked me "how serious is your cancer?" I reassured her that many women survive breast cancer and I really feel that I'm going to be around for a long time. Just pray for her and my other children too that their faith will be strong too as we travel this road together as a family. My boys are home with me alot so hear me talk about my faith and what is going on so they seem okay but my daughter is gone and so busy so she's not around to get that reassurance. God is good and will help my family too. I pray that they all have the peace that only God can give!!! Love you all. Thanks again for your prayers.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of waht we do not see.


Anonymous said...

There's a new book called THE H WORD by Nora W. Coffey, which discusses what women experience after hysterectomy, and what women need to know before the surgery. I got mine on

Unknown said...

Kelly, praying for your dear daughter and sons and dh...

peace that passes all understanding

I'm glad I got to visit with you.
Hope to see you soon.

Valerie Grant