Friday, August 28, 2009


Proverbs 3;5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.

Things are going well at this time. I've been staying busy and not even tired. I've been walking every morning with my neighbor which I think helps me stay strong and healthy. I will be having chemo again next week. This will be the first time that Larry is just going to drop me off so he can go to work. However, my stepmom is going to bring me lunch and then my new friend that had cancer is coming to visit me in the afternoon. Chemo will last a long time for Taxol alone will take 3 hours to be infused and I have other medications to be given too. My new friend, Erica, and I talked a long time today about our cancer, etc. It is so good to have someone to actually talk to and ask questions. It is interesting that each person reacts differently to the same chemo drug. Erica and I had the same chemo but we reacted differently in some ways. The Taxol made her really tired wheras it hasn't made me tired at all. We both have the bone pain but hers was worse. Of course, I've only had one treatment of Taxol so far so we'll see what happens to me this time. I hope it is similar to the last treatment for it wasn't too bad. I have a very busy week next week with kid activities so I am hoping that I can handle it all.

Someone that I love dearly has just been diagnosed with cancer and I am hoping that I can be an encouragement to them since I can remember those first few days of recieving the news of having "cancer". I want God to use me to encourage others. I dont' know why I was chosen to go through this but I want something good to come out of it. One way is to help others. Continue to pray as I continue through this journey and pray for the person and family members that just received the news of their cancer. Love you all.....

Proverbs 14:30 A heart at peace gives life to the body.

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