Sunday, January 31, 2010


Psalm 145:8-9 The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.

I had a laugh this morning....I have a cat that likes to sleep on my pillow with me. He is so soft and warm so I don't mind for he keeps my head warm. I usually go to bed with a turban but I get hot at times so take it off then my head gets cold. This morning right before I got up, this cat was on my pillow and decided to give my head a bath. He is good at bathing some of the other cats and my hair is as short as a cat's so I guess he decided I needed a bath. it sure felt funny. Does that mean I don't need to shampoo my hair now? Just kidding!!! As he was licking my hair, I got to wondering how these guys who have short hair stay warm at night. I like wearing my turban for it keeps me warm.

Tomorrow I go see the onocologist and receive a dose of Herceptin. I also get my coumadin level checked again. I think I will be starting a new medication too. I have noticed that lately I don't seem to be so stiff as before and am wondering if it's a side effect of Herceptin. If it starts up again right after getting Herceptin, then maybe that is the culprit of why I get so stiff jointed. I will ask the doctor about it. I have no idea how this new medication will affect me so better enjoy today while I'm feeling good. lol. Well, thanks for your prayers.

I Samuel 3;18 He is the Lord, let Him do what is good in his eyes.

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