Wednesday, June 9, 2010

New cancer clinic & dr's visit

I Chronicles 16:10-11 Glory in his Holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. look to the Lord and his strength, seek his face always.

I went to see my onocologist on Monday and all my blood work looked great. I am nearing the end of my treatments....yea.....August 9 will be my last Herceptin treatment. I will have one more echocardiogram to be sure my heart is still doing okay. After I have my last treatment, I won't have to have another heart test so the one in July will be last one. It is good to be seeing the end of the tunnel.

I had Herceptin on Monday too. The chemo clinic is much larger. There is an actual nurse's station. Before, they were just in the middle of the room. The only bad thing I think about having the nurses station at one end of the chemo clinic is that they can't watch all their patients well. What if someone is having a bad time, they are far off. There are no call buttons so you couldn't call for help. Of course, someone is always having to do something for someone so there is someone around usually. The floor is wooden looking..and there are about 14 chairs and each has their own TV that is on a arm thing that you can move to the side or is kept behind the chairs when not used. The screen is small but that is okay. Of course, the nurses now can't watch TV like they did before. lol. There is plenty of space for the aquarium which is placed in the middle so we can see the fish. There are nice chairs next to each recliner chair so each person can have a visitor and there is room for more than one visitor. And you can see that they have new organizers for all their equipement and it's handy for the nurses. They also have a room with a bed in case they have a patient too weak to sit in a chair. They haven't had that before. They have their own pharmacist too but they had that in the first one too but I'm sure it's much nicer.

They have 7 exam rooms for the doctor--there were only 3 before. Plenty of room for another doctor to come. The nurses station for the doctor is much larger and nicer too. The nurses seem quite pleased with all the new stuff.

Thanks for praying for me. I am feeling about the same...get tired easily, some hot flashes and slow hair growth. The numbness in toes and breast areas drive me crazy at times but I just have to get used to it. lol. All in all, I'm going great!!!! Praise God!!! Love you all.

Colossians 3:1-2 Since, then , you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

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