Friday, January 22, 2010

coumadin level

Psalm 91:1-2 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress. "

Yesterday I had my coumadin level checked. Coumadin is a blood thinner which I take because of a blood clot I had behind my port-a-cath (a deviced placed under my skin where my IV is hooked up to receive medications). My level needs to be between 2-3 but it was high, 3.5. That is not good for my blood is thinner than it needs to be. I went to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned right after my level was checked. I told my dental hygientist about the level for my gums tend to bleed some when my teeth are cleaned. I wasn't too worried for my level has been high before and I never had a problem with getting any bleeding to stop. She asked the dentist if it was okay to clean my teeth and he said yes. Luckily, I didn't have too much bleeding and no problems at all.

I really liked the devotion I read this morning during my quiet time with the Lord. It was talking about how in music, there are rests included along with notes and it is an important part of the music. There are rests in our lives like when we have an illness, disappointed plans, frustrated efforts, etc. We might think it is the end but it is just part of the "music" and life goes on as planned. Rests are planned and we need to see that this is part of the "tune" and not get discouraged. I could relate to this with my cancer for it was a rest in my life. I knew it wasn't the end and I was able to use that time to draw nearer to God while resting. I hope we each can learn that lesson for we all will come to a restful time even when we dont' think we need it. We should just dwell in the Lord and grow in Him and trust His plans for our life. Have a great day. Love you all.....

Psalm 46:19 Be still , and know that I am God.....

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