Saturday, January 9, 2010

support group

I Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore enourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

On Thursday I went to my support group--called Survivor Sisters. A lady Ob/gyn dr. was there talking about several women health issues especially cancers like cervical and ovarian. She said that if you have had a hysterectomy, then you don't need pap smears anymore but still need to see your dr. yearly for other things like breast & rectal exams. I just had a pap smear, the first since my hysterectomy. I will have to ask my dr. to see what she says about that. She also talked about the BRca genetic testing to see if your breast cancer is genetic. I had always heard that you really need to worry about the history of breast cancer on your mom's side. She and another dr. that was there both said that studies show that it's on both sides of the family that you can inherit breast cancer. New info I need to pass on to my own family. At the support group, they gave us bracelets to represent our group. Our t-shirts are lime green with hot pink and black lettering. So, our bracelets have hot pink and lime stones with 2 black beads that have 'S' on them for Survior Sisters and then there are some clear beads. Very cute.

Well, I am feeling pretty great these days. I got blood work done yesterday to check my white and red blood cells and other things. I am to recieve Herceptin meds on Monday. I go to San Antonio on tuesday for a follow up with the radiation dr. I don't feel as stiff as I have been. Maybe the walking is helping. Of course, I've not walked the past 2 days due to it being so cold. I've done some Wii fit plus exercises though. Chemo messes up with your brain and I do seem unable to always remember or just have problems doing some simple thngs. Hard to explain but I just seem different brain wise, so I will just blame it on chemo--lol. My neighbor got to see my hair for she could see some of it under my hat that I was wearing so I went ahead and showed her and her kids. Her son has a crew cut and my hair is almost as long as his but as thick. She thinks it will turn blonde but my son thinks it's going to be grey. We'll see.....Have a wonderful weekend!! Love you all!!!

Psalm 86:12-13 I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths of the grave.


Anonymous said...

Well now, if it comes back grey, you can borrow one of my favorite verses: Grey hair is a crown of splendor; it is obtained by a righteous life. Proverbs 16:31

Kelly said...

Thanks for the verse....I will certainly use it someday but hopefully not too soon. Thanks for sharing it with my boys today!!!