Sunday, August 9, 2009


Isaiah 49:13 Shout for joy, O heavens; rejoice, O earth, burst into song, O mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.

I have noticed that I tire so easily. I want to do some many things then when I get going, I just don't have the stamina to keep going. Otherwise, I feel good so it's hard for me to need to slow down and rest but don't worry, I do rest in between doing whatever needs to be done. The other day I went grocery shopping and even had my youngest son(15 years old) with me. He was a great help but the shopping just exhausted me. After coming home and putting away the groceries, I ate a bite of lunch then took a nap. I am not a nap person so that shows how tired I was. Yesterday, I cleaned the bathroom then mopped the kitchen and that tired me out. But then I went walking right away with my neighbor and I didn't think I was going to be able to finish our walk but we walked slower than normal and I rested some at her driveway visiting to rest so I can finish the walk to my house.

This Tuesday is chemo treatment time again. It will be a new treatment so I have no idea how it will affect me. I still dread having it but know it needs to be done. My neices are in town and how I want to spend time with them but probably won't feel like doing much. I will take them horseback riding tomorrow before I have chemo so that will make them happy. They are staying at my dad's house. They are 11 and 14 years old.

I received the sweetest package from my chemoangel yesterday. Lots of craft books and beads to make some jewelry, books (one is a cookie cookbook--yummy), a beautiful shawl, and other things. I also received curriculum for the boys so it's time to think about school. I think I will have them start on Aug. 17. One boy is ready for school to start and the other doesn't even want to think about it. lol. Thanks again for all of your prayers. Oh, my uncle was just diagnosed with throat cancer. Seems cancer sure is showing up in my family lately. My aunt (not married to this uncle but his sister) died with breast cancer last November. I know this worries my mom. Pray for our family too. Love you all.......

Isaiah 49:23b .....Those who hope in me will not be disappointed.

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