Thursday, July 23, 2009

chemo day 2

Psalm 138:7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes, with your right hand you save me.

I went on Wed. to get my neulasta shot but insurance did not approve it. The dr's office had a sample shot which they gave me so it will cost me nothing. It surprised me that they have such an expensive sample shot but I am happy about that. The nurses told me that the dr. is going to call insurance himself and fight for me. Yea!!!! I hope it works. Please continue to pray that insurance will end up paying for these shots. Right now I owe the hospital $8000 for 2 shots I've already had before I knew insurance wasn't going to pay. If insurance continues to say no, I am wondering if the dr. will let me try the new chemo meds next time without the shot to see if my white blood count still goes down. I can't afford to have any more shots.

I did not have any more nausea or vomiting which made me happy. I was able to eat regular food without problems. I felt pretty good and it was hard to make myself just sit around and rest but that is what I did. In the evening, the neulasta shot effects started to take place--pain in my shoulders and neck. Very sensitive to touch. Then during night, pain in the back and hips started. Tylenol helps but still can feel the pain. Thanks again for your prayers. I know God is working in my life and I need to just trust and see how He is going to provide and take care of the situation I am in. Love you all.....

He has brought you this far and He's not letting you go now; so do not fear, for I am with you: do not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

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