Friday, July 3, 2009

Chemo Day 3

Psalm 116:5-6 The Lord is gracious and righteous; Our God is full of compassion. The Lord protects the simplehearted; when I was in great need, he saved me.

Praise God, the 3rd day wasn't as bad as the treatment before. Some say that the treatments get worse but mine seem to get better. I did have some bone pain in the morning but Tylenol helped out and by night, it was just tender if touched by hand. I was tired off and on so took some naps. I finally got tired of being in bed so got up and did a few little things around the house but not much. The metallic/weird taste I usually get doesn't seem to be happening this time which I'm glad for. I still get chilled which is such a hassle for I'm contstantly taking blankets off and on for I get hot too. My body doesn't know what to do, lol. All in all, I'm pleased with this treatment. Next treatment will be the last of the Adriamycin which is the worse chemo drug I'll be taking. In August, I'll start some new medications--Taxol and Herceptin. Thank you for your prayers for I know that is what got me through this treatment.

Today I am doing laundry and getting ready to go out of town to go to my mom's and visit with family--my sister and youngest brother will be there with their families. I'm praying that I can do what I need to do without over doing it. Plus a friend from out of town, Valerie, is coming to visit this afternoon. Hugs to you all.....

I asked the Lord what I could do for you He touched my heart and asked me to pray.

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