Monday, July 20, 2009

Day before Chemo

Psalm 146:5-6 Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord, his God, the maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them...the Lord who remains faithful forever.

Tomorrow I go in for my 4th chemo treatment--half way done!!!!! It is also the last time I take Adriamycin and Cytoxin chemo. Next month I start Taxol and Herceptin. I will be glad to get this one over. However, I am not looking forward to tomorrow but I know it will come but it will also end quick enough. Today I've been cleaning house and watering the garden (it rained while watering) and doing things to prepare for me being down for a few days. Brandon left today to help out at a camp so he'll be gone all week. My mom is coming this evening to help me out with chemo tomorrow--it always helps to have someone else here. I know that having this cancer has drawn me closer to the Lord and to some other people as well. Relationships tend to grow closer when going through hard times. I love my family and my friends and am happy to know that I have support from them, especially those prayers. I really do feel God has protected me in so many ways. I was talking with a friend today and I was thinking how I've not been sick with a cold, etc. since starting chemo even though I've been exposed and have had some low white blood cell counts. Oh, I went in this morning to have blood drawn to be sure counts are good to take chemo tomorrow. So far, that has not ever been a problem. Tomorrow, I have blood drawn for my coumadin level right before I go for chemo. I am hoping my levels are better this time since they were too low last time. Please keep me in your prayers tomorrow as I take chemo. I see the dr. at 8:40 am so will probably start chemo around 9:30 am. I am going to add a picture to my blog with me wearing my wig. Thanks for your prayers and love. I love you all ........

Psalm 147:1, 3 Praise the Lord, How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to priase him!! He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

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