Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Coumadin level and hair

Psalm 63:7-8 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.

Today I went in for a coumadin (blood thinner) blood check to see how my levels are. They were too low which means my blood is not thin enough. Not sure why--guess I eat too many vegetables and salads. They increased my dosage. I've decided to cut down on my salads but that is hard for I do try to diet. I just can't seem to lose weight. Many people say they gain weight while on chemo but I don't want to do that. Of course, if I would quit eating sweets, maybe I would lose some weight. lol. I bought a yummy watermelon yesterday. It tastes so sweet. Should munch more on that than other snacks.

Today as I was showering, I was thinking of my hair. You would think if I lost my hair on my scalp, that I should lose hair elsewhere. It is funny where the hair goes and which places still has hair. Wonder why? Are the follicles different--some harder to lose. I still have hair on my arms--I'm quite hairy there (luckily --very blonde--lol) I still have hair on my legs but it doesn't seem to grow much so I don't have to shave as often but still I shave. I would love to not be shaving. I have no hair under my arms nor my 'whiskers' on my chin. I still have eyebrows and eyelashes but I did hear that they are the last to lose and some lose them after chemo is done. How weird is that? Anyway, that is what I was thinking today.

I am feeling pretty good. The only side effects I seem to have is forgetfulness--lol--or is that just old age? Also, the tip of my tongue feels like I burned it. It did that after my last treatment too. Lasted almost the whole 2 good weeks I had. Very strange. It hurts....enough to get my attention, especially when eating. Well, I am excited that I am in my good week so hope it stays that way. I started walking again (maybe that will help with my weight). Thanks again for your prayers. I do covet them. Love you all......

Psalm 92:4-5 For you make me glad by your deeds, O Lord; I sing for joy at the works of your hands. How great are your works, O Lord, how profound your thoughts.

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