Thursday, July 30, 2009


Psalm 89:1 I will sing of the Lord's great love forever, with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.

I called insurance today to see how the progress was going about them paying for the neulasta shots that cost so much. It turns out that the board of review nurses decided to approve any shots I take from the first one until 9/10/09!!!! That means they will pay and she said they should be sending out the statement to tell me that. After 9/10/09, the dr's office has to call to pre-certify whether they will pay or not. I am so happy!!!!!!!! I want to cry tears of joy. God heard our prayers!!!! Thank you so much for praying. This was a big thing for it was going to cost us about $8000 which I don't have readily available. I am thrilled. The lady at the insurance told me to have a wonderful day and I said "you just made it wonderful so thank you" and she just laughed a sweet laugh. I will make sure that all new medications are pre-certified by my insurance before it is given. I am to have 2 new medications next chemo day which is Aug. 11. I go tomorrow to have blood drawn to be sure my blood counts are okay. Thanks again for your prayers--God does hear and He does provide. I am so thankful to God!!!!! He sure was testing my faith in His provision for me....I knew in some way, He would take care of me. But I did worry and I shouldn't have.......I am forgiven for worrying....thanks God.

Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.