Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Chemo Day 2

Psalm 34:6 This poor man (or woman) called, and the Lord heard him; He saved him out of all his troubles.

Oh, did I have to do some calling out to the Lord last night. I started out well after taking chemo which I wrote about yesterday but by 4:30 pm, I started to get nauseated. My stepmom came over for me to help her with her scrapbook then my dear friend, Marnie, came over with some dinner. By then, I wasn't feeling too well and got sick at 6 pm. I was nauseated the rest of the evening even though I took some medications and got sick again at 10 pm. While sitting at the toilet, I thought, why, oh, why did I have to do this? Then I remember that this is only temporary and I started calling out to the Lord to help me through this tough time. Had a restless night but this morning I am feeling some better. Slightly nauseated but have been taking my anti-nausea meds every 4 hours. It's helping better now. I am actaully starting to get hungry, but only eating soup, lemon Italian ice, etc. Trying to drink the amount of water I am to drink to get rid of the chemo out of my body but was hard to do this morning. I sure wanted to eat that delicious smelling dinner that Marnie brought over last night--my favorite, brisket--but Larry said he would freeze some for me to eat later. She brought me some gorgeous yellowish-orange roses too. I finally had the kids bring it to my bedroom so I could admire them since I've been in bed most of the day. Even though I've been in bed, I still got some homeschooling done with the boys--they just had to come to my bedroom. lol They thought they were going to get out of it. lol Thanks to all who have written, sent cards, called, and of course prayed for me. I appreciate every one of you. God is good and is helping me through this time. He is my refuge and strength. I will praise Him all the day long!!! Love you all--hugs!!!

Psalm 34:19 A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all.

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