Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Surgery on Thursday & CT scan results

Psalm 46:1-2 God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.

Tomorrow I am having surgery to have a port-a -cath placement. It should be a quick and simple procedure. I talked to the dr. today about it and asked if I could just have sedative instead of genearl anesthesia and he said probably but I will be talking to the anesthesiologist in the morning and we can discuss it then. I am not worried about the surgery--have peace about it. It's a busy day for my boys but I think we have transportation all worked out for them to go to their various activities. The dr. called me this evening and told me that the CT scan showed that I have fluid in my lung lining and he wants to drain it to have the fluid tested. He doesn't know if that happened during my lumpectomy surgery since that node was next to the lung lining or something else. He asked if I had pain but I don't except for that one day a few days after surgery when I got the chest X-ray to check it out. I have no shortness of breath or any symptoms. The bad thing is that he didn't have time to get it set up to have the fluid drained while in surgery--have to do it in radiology with a CT Scan. So, probably will have to go back to the hospital on Friday. I am trying not to be worried about this but I am concerned and praying that it has nothing to do with cancer. Pray along with me. I am really tired today but just think...I can sleep all day tomorrow!!!! Love you all!!! Thanks for your prayers!!! I know that God is in complete control and He already knows why that fluid is there and what it is. I will just trust in Him!!!

Isaiah 46:4 I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you!!!!


LisaShaw said...

I pray for God's continued covering ovr you and His peace and comfort to be with you in Jesus Name dear sister.

MAAM said...

I didn't see this until last night. I pray that all went well for you.