Tuesday, May 26, 2009

ER Visit

Psalm 56:3-4 When I am afraid I will trust in you, In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?

I have encountered a new bump or obstacle in my journey through this time with cancer. But God is with me and together, we will get through this new problem . On Sunday, my youngest son noticed that my right arm was redder than the left, but I just dismissed it and told him that it's okay. On Monday, I was actually gardening--planting some flowers I had started by seed and pullling up weeds when I noticed that my right arm and shoulder was really hurting me. I hadn't had pain and wasn't sure why I was having the pain now. Then Sarah noticed that my arm was more swollen and I noticed that it was purplish-not a good sign. I called the onocologist but they were out of the office--duh, of course, holiday. So I called the dr. on call and he said to go to the ER which I did. Sarah was the only one home (my guys were out golfing) so she took me in. It tunrs out that I have a blood clot in my right subclavin vein (vein near the collar bone) and it's behind my port. So, they gave me a shot in the belly--ouch, and oh, did it sting. I'm also on Coumadin, an oral blood thinner which I will probably be on until the port comes out (maybe August 2010). Most hospitals have their patients stay in the hospital for 7 days to regulate the dosage of Coumadin but luckily, in our town, we have an outpatient Coumadin clinic so I will probably stay in the hospital for 3 days then go to the outpatient clinic. I don't really feel that bad so it's going to be boring staying in the hospital plus having my kids at home without me (I'm sure they are loving it). Another bad thing about being on Coumadin, there are certain foods you can't eat like things that have Vit. K because then it would make Coumadin ineffective such as broccoli, spinach, cauliflower,etc which are things I like and we eat alot of . My kids think they are going to get out of eating those things, but alas, they won't--lol A nutritionist is to come up to go over what I can and can't eat. I hope she can help me with my cancer stuff too for I was already up in arms about having to change my diet due to chemo--no raw fruits and vegs. By the way, the hospital food here isn't that great. At least I can have my computer here--Praise God. Anyway, this morning as I was reading my Bible and praying, it just hit me what I am going through and I started to cry for a moment. God was here to pick me up and get me on my way again. I will be okay. The doctor said that this blood clot isn't life threathening since it shouldn't dislodge from behind the port but the nurses do keep asking me if I get short of breath which I haven't experienced but whenever I get up for even a short bit, my right arm turns purple and hurts. After showering, it really was purple. I'm not on bedrest but I stay in it most of the time. Thanks for your prayers and concerns. It's just a little bump and then I'll be back on my way.

Pslam 41:3 The Lord will sustain him on his sick bed and restore him from his bed of illness.

1 comment:

LisaShaw said...

Your closing Scripture says it all. Stay encouraged in the Lord and know that He is with you and is sustaining you through all of this. My heart is with you.