Sunday, June 7, 2009


Psalm 86:3-4 Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I call to you all day long. Bring joy to your servant, for to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.

Today was the day!! My hair was coming out in clumps especially if I pulled on it and I just couldn't keep my hands away from my hair. I was getting bald spots so I finally caved in and asked Larry to please shave my hair off. He agreed to to it but you could tell he really hated to do it. We went outside so the hair could just fall to the ground. I am officially bald now. I had Christopher take pictures but I hate at this point, I won't be posting any of those pictures. I don't like the way I look bald. I didn't cry but got a little teary eyed. I will be okay but I really do not like seeing myself without hair. Guess I'll get used to it soon. I immediately took a shower then put a little headcover on my head. It was hot so later I put on a hat then I tried a scarf. The scarf is better but I don't like my big ears. lol. Oh, is inside and not what is on the outside. This too will pass.....please, Lord, let it pass quickly. I will wear my wig tomorrow when I go out. I have to have blood drawn for my blood counts and my coumadin level so 2 places I have to go but luckily, they are in the same building and even on the same floor. Chemo treatment coming up on Tuesday. My sweet sister is coming tomorrow to help me through this next treatment. Love you all.......

Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

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