Monday, June 1, 2009

Coumadin check and chemo angels

I Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

Today I went to the Coumadin clinic for first visit and blood check. They went through all the stuff I can't have and can have like medications and food, etc. and things to be careful about and then explained how they operate and figure out what dosage to take. My nurse is a nurse I used to work with years ago--maybe even before Sarah was born. That was neat to catch up with what she's been doing. Anyway, they check my coumadin level just by pricking my finger (yea--didn't hurt at all) and with a machine like glucose montoring for diabetes, they get my coumadin level. I was right I needed to be--praise God for that. I go back this Thursday!!

I wanted to tell you about a neat organization called chemoangels. It can be like a pen pal situation but it is where you apply and they match you up with someone to be your chemo angel. That person is suppose to send you an encouraging note every week while you are taking chemo. They can send little gifts like food items, lotion, etc. so on the application, they ask lots of questions about what you like. You can write back or choose not to but you do have to fill out some monthly report on how things are going. It turns out that I have 2 chemoangels. My first one wrote me like one hour after she received my name. She is young, 25 years, and sounds so bubbly by how she writes. I received a homemade card from my second one today and I'm the first one she has been an angel for plus she is a 4 yr. breast cancer survivor. She is 42 years old. I think this is a neat organization so looking forward to getting to know my 'angels'. I do plan to correspond and when I am done with this battle with cancer, I plan to be a chemoangel for someone. I am feeling very encouraged today--had such a good day. I was out most of the afternoon--stayed away from large crowds but did some visiting plus a couple of errands. Thanks to all my little 'angels' out there for I consider you all angels when you encourage me with your prayers, notes & cards, phone calls, visits, etc. God tells us to encourage each other and going through this is showing me that I need to be a better encourager myself. Love you all......

Hebrews 3:13 But encourage one another daily, as longas it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sins's deceitfulness.

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