Thursday, April 16, 2009

Post op day 2

I Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

I am feeling better today. The pain isn't really that bad so I'm just taking Ibuprofen for the pain meds made me so sleepy and my mouth so dry. I hate being druggy feeling. Under my left arm where they axillary nodes were taken out is numb so not really feeling any pain there. It is common to have numbness there due to the nerves in that area. I am hoping it won't be permanent numbness. For some reason I was having some numbness in my right pinkie and ring finger-I have no reason why that would occur. My stomach isn't feeling well though. I really don't have a appetite and when I do eat, it feels like indigestion. I took some Peptol Bismol which helped some. It's hard to describe but I'm just not 'me'. I like to Oh, well...maybe I'll lose some weight. I am tired of sitting around so I took a little stroll in my yard to look at the flowers growing. My mom cut several purple irisis for me the other day so I am enjoying looking at them since she put them on the coffee table in front of the chair that I'm 'living' in. Flowers comfort me. I'm bored too...I'm not one just to sit around. I did have a wonderful quiet time with the Lord and am reading some books. I helped do some schooling today--my boys are teens and do most of their work on their own which is nice. My husband has taken over the math completely which is wonderful. Maybe he'll continue it....:) Today I am to have my dressing removed and get a shower--that will feel great. My boys are going into town for a few hours so it will be quiet. Am hoping for a visit from a friend so that will cheer me up too. Thanks to all who are concerned about me and praying for me. It means a lot to me. This is so new to me that it can be overwhelming at times but I just take a little bit in as I am ready. I tried to read up on chemotherapy today but my book was mainly 'medical' and not pratical tips on how to get through chemo. If you know of any...let me know. My spirit is great for I know that with God, we will win this battle and He'll be with me every step of the way.

Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you always, He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame.


US said...

Kelly, just to let you know that I have been praying for you. May the Lord give you peace and comfort. Annette

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I know Our Father has His arms wrapped around you. Yes, we are all put through the fire with what we can handle. I admire your wonderful attitude. May we all learn from you. Always keep your head up, smiling! Nonetheless, your pain is felt and I will constantly pray for you. Yvonne C.